Home > Partners > 3ie


Our role in Saamuhika Shakti

The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) is the external evaluation partner for Saamuhika Shakti. 3ie is using a mixed-methods evaluation to assess if and how the initiative works to improve the lives of waste pickers and their families. The evaluation will assess how exposure to two or more partners and their interventions as opposed to no intervention or a single partner's interventions affects the following welfare outcomes among waste pickers:

Who we are

3ie is a leader in supporting the production, synthesis and uptake of high-quality evidence on what works in social and economic development.
Established in 2008, they provide services and expertise to address the evidence needs of our partners in governments, NGOs, foundations, international development institutions and others working in low- and middle-income countries.
Read more about 3ie's role in this blog.

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